Where's Waldo, But With Fur: Let's Find Momo by Andrew Knapp

 I've recently become very interested in children's picture books, and for all of you who have tiny humans of your own, or work in the elementary panel and want to bring Canadian content into your reading routine, these mini reviews are for you!

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In the Find Momo series, by Canadian Andrew Knapp, children search for Momo and Boo, Andrew's dogs, in various fun and eye-catching settings. Think Where's Waldo, but with fur. Depending on the book, you are searching in the library, the fair ground, the farm, a campsite - all places children will have positive associations with.  I love how Knapp celebrates the outdoors in so many of his images and captures the joy and adventure of being outside. 

There are a few reasons why I think this book is important. Firstly, for the photographic beauty alone, these books are winners. They are full of bright colours, adorable dogs, and engaging details. You can spend a significant amount of time pouring over each page because of all of the care Knapp includes in the composition of each image. Even once all of the specific items have been found, it is easy to keep the game going by playing eye spy with different objects ("I spy a balloon"), or colours ("I spy something blue"), or shapes ("I spy something round").

Secondly, this type of book builds all types of skills in children beyond the normal language skills you'd expect. Because the child is being asked to look closely and focus carefully, they are taught patience and attention to detail. Fine motor skills, like pointing, are integral to the active nature of this book. Also, cognitive skills are used during the matching process. Since the images are not identical on the left page to the right, children have to use some critical thinking skills to identify like with like. 

Finally, everyone loves to be read to. However, there is a special type of magic created when a child can interact with a book. In finding the objects and animals with loved ones, the child is taking ownership over the book and becoming active in the reading process. It encourages family bonding. It gives children opportunities to feel confident and receive praise when they locate what they were looking for. 

Ps. There are adult versions too, like the Find Momo Across Europe book pictured above. Much harder and still super fun. 

These books are tried and tested in my household. Even after Momo has been found a hundred times, the images don't stop engaging and are a pleasure to view and enjoy as a family.

📚 Ms. CAN Lit  
